Scratch Recording

Saadia Husain Baloch saadia at
Fri Feb 24 11:05:07 EST 2012

Hello Bert,
I am hoping you can help me track down an audio recording problem with our
new audio driver on XO1.5. This affects Scratch and eToys, so I presume the
Squeak library is involved.
The specific scenarios are as follows (after a fresh boot)

1. Start Scratch. Select the Sound Tab in the center column.
    Click the "Record" button next to New Sound.
    Click red record button in the Sound Recorder window. Mic light goes
on. Recording begins. Click stop button in Sound Recorder window. Recording
stops, Mic light goes off.
    This is a successful recording sequence.

2. Start Scratch. Play the default meow sound.
    Select the Sound Tab in the center column.
    Click the "Record" button next to New Sound. The Mic Light goes on at
this time (too early, actual recording has not been initiated yet).
     Click red record button in Sound Recorder window. Mic light is still
on. You can not stop recording with the stop button.
     Mic light will not go off, and you can't play any sounds until you
exit Scratch.
     There is some difference in the recording sequence in this scenario.

I need to know the difference in the audio controls being used in the two
scenarios. It could be that a control in the driver is doing something
different than expected.

Thank you
-Saadia Baloch
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