Off-topic (sorta) Need help opening Raspberry pi case

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at
Sat Dec 1 20:07:15 EST 2012

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at> wrote:
> Sounds like something worth trying... when I get the basics figured out (and
> the case open)!.
> Maybe we need a new, special version of Sugar for the Raspberry Pi.... of
> course, it would be called"...
> "Sugar Pi"  ;-D
> Seriously though, the more devices that will run Sugar, the better!

No question that landing Sugar more or less everywhere is a goal.
Sometimes the means of doing so can be a litttle more complex that
jsut installing a build on an XO (e.g. stuff like Sweets

I find it hard to keep track of all of the methods and approaches
tested / employed, but I would hazard to say that an install based on
the Sweets Distribution would be "Sweetie Pi".


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