Sugar Network Webui 0.5 Release Notes

Sebastian Silva sebastian at
Fri Aug 31 20:36:42 EDT 2012

Development of the Sugar Network Web User Interface is reaching a new
level where focus is shifting from implementing new features and we
are beginning to more actively solicit feedback from the community that
we wish to take very seriously in improving the user experience for all
user groups.

We will continue delivering monthly releases as planned during 2012 with the
goal of having a solid product by December. The Education
Ministry of Peru will be piloting our releases and we expect to get
more information from the field using the Sugar Network, both for
improving Sugar Network and the base operating system, as well as
for the wider Sugar community of authors, artists, developers and 
enthusiasts who collaborate in building various Sugar Platform 

We had a very productive meeting between hackers, teachers and local
community enthusiasts - the "Sugar Hack Day" where several contributions
were made in the form of design ideas, suggestions, and even some bug
live fixing happened.

Download information available from our Wiki:

It is also posible to preview the web interface (with limited functionality)
from the following link:

Improvements for this version include:
• The color scheme has been changed. We have departed from the greyscale.
∘ We have begun color coding Feedback resources: Ideas are blue, 
 problems are red, questions are yellow (suggested by Ketty, schoolteacher
 from the original Arahuay pilot).
∘ Toolbars are generally green and widget backgrounds are generally light
 blue (nature tones chosen by kaametza).
• We have added "pop up tip windows" - a small window appears in the top right
corner of the screen, giving the user contextual information about what a click
will do. A cute toucan mascot  with a creative commons license by Elio Rivero has
also been included. 
• The icon for Ideas has been replaced from a thunderbolt to a light bulb contributed
by Alejandro Martínez (superdat7), the most active technology schoolteacher from Lima.
• Pagination for resources and contexts has been improved by preloading adjacent
pages. This gives improves performance and usability.
• A slider has been added to resource list views to improve pagination usability.
• Icons for pagination have been redesigned and changed location (kaametza).
• Also Thanks to Thomas Gilliard (satellit) for testing and work on a tutorial.

Known and pending issues:
• New feedback resource workflow will get a redesign for next release.
• Icon for Ideas has not been replaced in New feedback popup window.
• New project popup window requires all fields to be filled but will fail silently
if some fields are left empty.
• New projects don't show up immediately once created.
• Only the creator is able to edit projects.
• Activity names are in English only.
• Not all Hexoquinasa activities have been included yet. Starting this release, only 
activities available from the Sugar Network will be included. We expect the full
Hexoquinasa activity selection to become available in Sugar Network within next
release cycle.

Greetings and thanks for testing!
Sebastian Silva <sebastian at>

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