12.1.0 devel build 6 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5 and XO-1.75

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 04:01:04 EDT 2012

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Mikus Grinbergs <mikus at bga.com> wrote:
> I've already written a ticket saying that on the XO-1, 12.1.0 does not
> define any /dev/mmcblk0 (or anything) whose partition could be mounted onto
> /bootpart.

Can you provide the ticket number?

> Well, on the XO-1, 12.1.0 build os6 goes one step further -- it does not
> define any /dev/mmcblk1 (or anything) whose partition I could mount as my
> "permanent" SD card.

Which means it's not finding the SD card slot.

> I had to remove my SD card from the "external" (bottom of screen) socket on
> the XO-1, and plug it into an external USB reader, for me to be able to
> mount it on os6 as my "permanent" storage device.  [At least, on the XO-1
> os5 *would* define a device for the SD card that was inserted into the
> "external" (bottom of screen) socket on the XO-1.]

Not surprising as it's a completely different type of HW/driver etc.

> BTW - when I left the entry (which my customization had placed there) in
> /etc/fstab for my "permanent" SD card, os6 would not boot -- it would go
> into the prompt for emergency mode, then when I ctl-D would after a while
> again go into the prompt for emergency mode, etc., etc.

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