Basic Electricity Text in French?

Xavier Carcelle carcellelist at
Sat Oct 29 09:35:02 EDT 2011

Bonjour George,

I can recommand different textbooks in french for electricity and eyrolles is a
major french publisher technical books :
they have a famous book about basic electricity :
a list of different books related to electricity :
for solar panel installation in remote areas :
"installation electriqueÃ":
another basic installation of electrical networks:

Tell me if that fits your/their needs and we can exchange w/ them if they want a
specific topic book.


Xavier Carcelle.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 06:09:25PM -0400, George Hunt wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> While working with Adam Holt in Haiti, I met a few "go-getter" teens who
> already are doing basic house wiring. They could help diagnose battery and
> solar array problems if they had a little more background.
> I learned basic electricity reading and re-reading the first few chapters of
> the Amateur Radio Relay League Handbook. I could use some help finding
> something similar for french speakers.
> Creole is the spoken language, but the instructional language is French and
> the students are easy with learning out of a book in french.
> Unfortunately I don't know enough French to find equivalent sources on line,
> or available for purchase on the web.
> I did find open source "basic electricity" texts in english (though perhaps
> too verbose) as examples of what I think is needed:
>    -
>    -
>    -
> Thanks for help,
> George

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