11.3.0 release candidate 4 (build 883) released

Niels de Vos devos at fedoraproject.org
Tue Nov 1 07:49:11 EDT 2011

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Niels de Vos <devos at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Gary Martin <garycmartin at googlemail.com> wrote:
> ...
>> I've just been testing Telescope-12 on the XO-1.75 running the new 883 build, first the good news, the camera is showing up correctly in Record and Telescope, fab! :) Now the not so hot:
>> - While in Telescope-12, clicking the digital zoom toolbar button completely locked up the XO-1.75 (re-testing with an XO-1 the digital zoom works ok).
>> - After some waiting and many attempted keyboard shortcuts, I decided to power down. Clicking the power hardware button did not trigger the usual shut down screen during this particular lockup case; clicking the power button twice (assuming it might just be the gfx that had locked-up) had no effect; finally I held down the power button for some seconds until the power led flashes and then the hard powers off.
>> - On reboot the Journal now shows 3 corrupt entries (see attached screen shot) with no name and unknown metadata. None of the three entries allow invoking the details view or raise their palette so can not be erased via the Sugar Journal UI. The three corrupt entries will be an entry for Browse where I visited ASLO to download telescope and then quit Browse; the downloaded Telescope-12 bundle; and the instance entry for the Telescope that was running when the XO locked up.
>> Given the nature of the hard power off I understand why some data would not have been synched to disk, but just wanted to raise this case here. I guess the actionable items might be:
>> 1) fixing Telescope-12's digital zoom not to lock up an XO-1.75 (I don't have an XO-1.5 to test but I re-checked on an XO-1 which still worked fine).
>> 2) Seeing why the XO-1.75 hard crashed, I'm assuming something camera driver related may have borked badly (I do have a serial cable here for un-bricking an XO-1.75 but don't know my way around that side of things very well).
> I tried to reproduce with Telescope, and I get an oops/hang as well.
> The same oops is already filed as https://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11128.
> Using a serial console for logging may show if it is a panic/crash or
> a hang (like a very busy loop). If you unbricked your XO-1.75 with an
> other Linux system, you should be able to use minicom to capture a log
> in a similar way.
> After starting minicom, press CTRL+a,z (press CTRL+a together, release
> them, press 'z') to get in the minicom help/menu. Pressing 'l' will
> ask you for a filename, I'd use samething like
> xo-1.75-camera-issue.log. After pressing return, everything will be
> saved. Now turn on the XO and reproduce the issue.
> When you encounter the panic/hang again, press CTRL+l in minicom to
> close the logfile and exit minicom.
> I'll try this as well, but am still running build 882 which may be
> differnt than build 883 in this respect.

The result I have with build 882 and Telescope:
- working nicely
- click 'diigital zoom'
- Telescope gets unresponsive (no picture anymore)
- oops over the serial console
- mouse and keyboard are still functioning
- Telescope can be (forcefully) stopped
- Telescope fails to sart (requires reboot)
- no additional oopses recorded

The oops is available in #11128.


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