stop sharing an activity

James Cameron quozl at
Sun May 29 20:18:49 EDT 2011

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 08:25:57AM -0700, Yioryos Asprobounitis wrote:
> I could not find a way to stop sharing an activity even when no peers
> are connected or even present. 

Yes, intentional.  sugar-toolkit.git/src/sugar/activity/ class
ShareButton, method __update_share_cb, once the activity is shared the
private and neighborhood (sic) buttons are marked insensitive.

> This was true in os860 and os20, XO-1 and XO-1.5 and activities like
> write and Turtle blocks.

As it is a function of the toolkit, it will be true for all activities
that use the toolkit, probably regardless of the activity version.  (The
toolkit provides the default behaviour.  I see no reason why an activity
could not implement a stop-sharing feature, but I have seen no such
implementation yet.)

For os860, which is Sugar 0.84, sugar-toolkit.git/src/sugar/
class ActivityToolbar method _update_share() forces the button to be

The same is true in Sugar 0.82 used in OLPC OS 8.2.1 build os802.

> If this is indeed a feature and not a bug or something I miss, could
> someone point me to the relevant discussion and/or rational of "once
> public, always public"?

I don't know where that discussion might be, but the concept follows the
maxim that once information is released there's no going back.

James Cameron

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