11.2.0 release candidate 1 (build 870) released

Daniel Drake dsd at laptop.org
Fri Jun 24 12:10:48 EDT 2011


We're pleased to announce our first release candidate of our new
11.2.0 software release.

Information and installation instructions can be found here:

Quick links for those who know which files need to be grabbed and save
to USB disks:

This is a signed release candidate that can be installed on all XOs,
even those with security enabled.

We're looking for testing and feedback on all aspects of the system.
Thanks for any help you can offer, and for all the feedback that was
received throughout development.

Our scheduled release date is July 18th.

For those who have been following the development releases, here are
the changes since the last development build (23):

XO-1 has switched back from ubifs to jffs2 for this release. This is
due to the disk utilisation increase caused by ubifs and the switch to
partitions, which was also going to increase further due to the
signing process. Additionally, we have recent and unsolved reports
that ubifs cannot boot on some XOs. We will make ubifs migration a
priority for the next development cycle.

Initramfs tweaks were made to fix activation.

XO-1.5 firmware was upgraded to support the latest XO-1.5 motherboard revisions.

We still have an occasional wifi card hang which can bring down the
whole system (hard to reproduce). A fix was made in the kernel that
might have solved this.

Do not run this image on an XO-1.5 laptop that is using an old XO-1
"ALPS" keyboard (this generally happens when you have upgraded the
motherboard on an old XO-1 laptop). The keyboard won't work correctly.
Will be fixed for next release candidate.

Fixed issues:
#10779 Back/forward buttons do not reliably appear in Browse
#10956 Cursor moves to beginning while trying to edit activity instance name
#10631 Remove keyboard settings dialog
#11002 New gtk deps triggers float errors during eclipse for Moon :(
#10673 Disable Sugar debug logs
#10941 Clock, Abacus, HelloWorld, Fototoon not favorite

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