[Fwd: Re: [Sugar-devel] [PATCH] sl#2822: Software-Update should pre-select only to-be-upgraded activities by default.]

Jerry Vonau jvonau at shaw.ca
Thu Dec 22 15:50:16 EST 2011

On Thu, 2011-12-22 at 13:54 -0600, Daniel Drake wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Jerry Vonau <jvonau at shaw.ca> wrote:
> > Hi all:
> >
> > What this patch solves is the issue of once you remove an activity from
> > the XO, running sugar-update-control then wants to re-install the
> > activity by default. This patch will show those activities as available
> > for installation but not pre-selected, only activities that are an
> > upgrade to what is already installed will be preselected. Any chance of
> > getting this into sugar-update-control?
> What's the use case for this? In my experience one of the primary uses
> of the updater is to reinstall activities that were removed by the
> user, so having them default to install makes sense (in my opinion).

The updater can use more than a single url at a time, the url list can
be pre-populated with a site that has an optional list of activities.
The use case here is a deployment may want to use the updater to present
the user with a list of optional activities that were not installed by
default but may be install on demand along with current updates that may
be available from several sites. The thought is not to pre-select new
activities just updates to currently installed activities by default.


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