[OLPC New Zealand] XO 1.75 B1 build 11.3.1 testing

Tom Parker tom at carrott.org
Mon Dec 5 04:02:08 EST 2011

On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 11:07 +1100, James Cameron wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 08:58:17PM +1300, Tom Parker wrote:
> > I have noticed "sudo halt" does not halt the machine -- the screen goes
> > blank and the power led stays green. Holding down the power button
> > causes it to shut down with the normal flashing after the delay.
> That's what "halt" is supposed to do.  You may be familiar with "halt"
> on buggy platforms that also turns the power off.  ;-)

Shouldn't it drop back to the firmware then? I think my vax did that,
but it's been a long time.

> Use "poweroff" instead of "halt".


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