[Sugar-devel] Help testing Sugar 0.93.x

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Wed Aug 31 07:49:11 EDT 2011

Simon Schampijer wrote:
> Hi,
> we have been landing the features targeted at 0.94 and are currently 
> in the phase of fixing bugs related to those features and other 
> changes introduced by recent code changes [1]. I have been starting to 
> create notes about the Features and changes that have been made [2]. 
> Those will evolve over time but should give you a good first 
> impression about the recent additions and changes.
> There are two olpc builds that contain the latest changes os3 [3] for 
> the i686 architecture (XO 1 and XO 1.5) and os41 [4] for the new ARM 
> hardware.
> It would be great if people with those hardware (or sugar-jhbuild or 
> Fedora 16) could help testing so that we are able to fix bugs in time. 
> Bugs related to Sugar and activities should be filed under [5],
Surf-115 and Surf-115.xo no longer start in Sugar 0.93.x ; neither does 
(Firefox-6.xo WORKS BUT does not write to the journal and is not 
completely sugarized)

Fedora 16 Sugar (and Soas) no longer have a working Browser:


I will load os3 in my XO-1 and XO-1.5 and test ...

Tom Gilliard
> bugs that are related to the new 1.75 hardware (or that are specific 
> to the XO hardware) should be filed at [6]. Please make sure to note 
> as well the build version and hardware you are using for testing in 
> the bug report.
> Please stay tuned for new builds that will be announced on those lists.
> Regards,
>    Simon
> [1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.94/Roadmap#Schedule
> [2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.94/Notes
> [3] http://build.laptop.org/11.3.0/os3/
> [4] http://build.laptop.org/F14-arm/os41/
> [5] http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/
> [6] http://dev.laptop.org/
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