XO-1.75 progress
Hal Murray
hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Fri Nov 12 06:13:11 EST 2010
>> IMHO it's better to delay the release of the 1.75 and
>> force putting in a touchscreen.
> It's not a matter of time, it's a matter of the price deployments are
> willing to pay for it. The feedback we've heard so far is that since the
> XO-1.75 without a touchscreen is every bit as functional as an XO-1.5 is,
> deployments cannot justify paying the noticeable additional cost for a
> touchscreen.
How much more does a touchscreen cost?
Is one available in the right form factor and/or how much NRE would it take
to fit one in the current package?
Would it help to make a small batch with touchscreens to get developers
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
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