Educational XHTML Editor Educational Game Maker

Caroline Meeks caroline at
Tue May 25 11:24:14 EDT 2010


Thank you for reminding me about the eXe editor. I looked at it a few years

I agree its a powerful tool for creating educational content.  It is pretty
easy to use although it could be easier to get started with. I find the
"devices" labeling a bit confusing.  It took me quite a while to find out
that I don't use any of the many options in the eXe to embed audio, rather
its a button on the rich text editor.  Everything is pretty easy once you
figure out how to use it.

A group in Spain has created accessibility and html validator plugins that
use tinymce.

Another flexible option of ExE is it can  create SCROM packages that can be
loaded into Moodle courses.  I am going to try using it for one of our
commercial projects.


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Mike Dawson <mikeofmanchester at>wrote:

> Dear List,
> One of the greatest challenges here in deployments has been to create
> sufficient curriculum *interactive* educational content.  Though
> Scratch and Etoys are great for simulators for many common educational
> interaction formats (e.g. assemble objects, click in place according
> to hint in order, memory match, hangman, sorting items etc) using such
> tools can be quite awkward.
> eXe Learning was created as a GUI educational XHTML Editor with
> support for fill in the blank question formats, multi choice, multi
> select etc.  I have created plugins for Place the objects / label
> (e.g. assembling parts / labelling a diagram), Click in place
> according to a hint, sort objects, hangman, memory match, moving
> object speed answer (e.g. Tuxmath) and sort.  The output is generated
> as HTML / Javascript which can run online or offline.  I've also
> created a plugin for embedding Scratch using the Scratch Java player
> with an option for the user to download.
> There are many repositories of open content; however many of them fail
> to harness the potential of ICT as an interactive medium.  Hopefully
> further lowering the barrier can help to create more.  This can make
> it far easier to turn existing open static content into interactive
> educational content.
> Compared to conventional Javascript / Flash / EToys development this
> dramatically increases the amount of educational interactive content
> that can be produced by given teams in a given amount of time.  It
> also can help make creation of interactive educational material far
> easier for educators by templating the kind of interaction they would
> like to produce and allowing them to just plug in the questions,
> answers, images, options of the game etc.
> For many parts of the curriculum the best course of action can be to
> embed already created Scratch simulators from the Scratch website
> (e.g. physics sims).  With eXe Learning + plugins one can produce a
> complete interactive package that opens in the browser.  I am hoping
> to develop a roleplay and generic simple simulator creator in the near
> future.
> I have also updated the HTML Editor to enable it to create HTML 5
> Audio and Video tags for embedding media.
> Comments/ Feedback most welcome.  The plugins are still 'bleeding
> edge'...  Will soon get the sourceforge project properly taken care of
> so that bugs / QA can be taken care of.
> For now see
> Regards from Afghanistan,
> -Mike
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Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove
Caroline at

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505-213-3268 - Fax
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