problems with an XO

Bernie Innocenti bernie at
Sun Mar 28 08:38:16 EDT 2010

Adding Mitch Bradley and olpc-devel to Cc.

On Sat, 2010-03-27 at 21:59 -0400, Rodolfo D. Arce S. wrote:
> Hello:
> I have problems with an XO. I tried to install the latest build on it,
> but had the firmware version q2e18, so I upgraded it to the q2e41
> I used the q2e41.rom file.. and at the end of the upgrade i threw an
> error somthing that said "Error, SPI Flash ID 0" it didn't enable the
> prompt again, nor any of the buttons (power, check, circle, square,
> etc)
> When i rebooted, the machine doesn't start on fimrware.. it just shows
> a black (no backlight) screen
> Was there an issue regarding upgrade from q2e18 to q2e41? on the page
> even showed an example of the q2e18 upgrade
> could you guys point me in the right way regarding this problem?

Was that a B1 pre-production unit, perhaps?

If I remember correctly, the current versions of the Open Firmware do
not support those ancient boards any longer. Flashing a B1 may very well
result in a brick :-(

Mitch may know better.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs       -

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