Cairo's slow rendering on XO-1 (was: olpcgames - mainloop bug help)

Gary Martin garycmartin at
Mon Jun 28 10:35:01 EDT 2010

Hi Wade,

On 28 Jun 2010, at 15:10, Wade Brainerd <wadetb at> wrote:

> I developed a couple of activities using Cairo that I later ported to
> other drawing solutions.

The possible performance test candidate that sprang to mind when reading Mart's email was the work you put in on the pulsing activity icon animation. Can you recall if Cairo is the bottleneck there or was it something else?


P.S. Great to see you about again on the list recently.

> One is Bounce (a three dimensional Pong game).
> git://
> I didn't tag it, but commit 7b7abf5 was the last version using cairo.
> I'll likely port this to Sugargame when I find time.
> Another is Yay! Bee See, an alphabet program for younger children.
> git://
> I've been working on porting this to Sugargame too, and adding editing
> features (e.g. the ability to replace the images and sounds for each
> letter, and to save to the journal)
> For a time, Typing Turtle used cairo to render its keyboard with
> overlaid hand SVGs.
> git://
> The last version to use cairo was v5.  I switched to caching bitmap
> images of each key and the hand overlays to make the keyboard keep up
> while typing at a reasonable pace.
> All of these would probably make a pretty good cairo performance tests
> on XO-1.
> -Wade
> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 5:17 AM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Dov Grobgeld <dov.grobgeld at> wrote:
>>> Not sure this is relevant, but I have found that for software rendering
>>> (without hardware acceleration) agg (anti-grain graphics) is a lot faster
>>> than cairo. At least it was when I benchmarked them a couple of years ago.
>>> See:  .
>> There's been a lot of changes and improvements in cairo using HW accel
>> since then.
>> Peter
>>> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 12:03, Bert Freudenberg <bert at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 28.06.2010, at 09:21, Sascha Silbe wrote:
>>>>> Excerpts from Mart Raudsepp's message of Mon Jun 28 06:37:31 +0200 2010:
>>>>>> Currently we (primarily two AMD employees, not so much me) are
>>>>>> concentrating on fixing some of the awful bugs (many of which get
>>>>>> triggered only by a newer xorg-server version), such as misrendering
>>>>>> with HwAccel and rotation issues. After those are hopefully fixed soon,
>>>>>> some attention will probably start to go on hardware acceleration
>>>>>> performance, as the current situation is indeed rather sad:
>>>>> Awesome (that somebody is going to work on it), thanks!
>>>>> Sascha
>>>> Yay indeed!
>>>> - Bert -
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