F11-for-XO1.5 Release 10.1.1 Release Candidate 2

Derek O'Connell doc at doconnel.f9.co.uk
Mon Jun 14 08:15:40 EDT 2010

On 14/06/10 12:56, Peter Robinson wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Derek O'Connell<doc at doconnel.f9.co.uk>  wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> I don't have much experience creating patches so please let me know if the
>> attached is the wrong format for your purposes. Created using:
>> diff -cB
>> /home/doc/std/dev/squeak/vm/3.10-5/unix-3.10-5/platforms/unix/vm-sound-ALSA/sqUnixSoundALSA.c
>> /home/doc/std/dev/squeak/vm/3.11.3/src/squeak-svn/platforms/unix/vm-sound-ALSA/sqUnixSoundALSA.c
>>> sqUnixSoundALSA.patch
> If you could use 'diff -u origfile newfile>  output.patch' from the
> root of the source tree that would be better.

Which source tree root are you referring to? Chris mentioned 3.10-5 and 
I do most my development on 3.11.3 so I diff'ed between them. It's a bad 
state of affairs but I keep several versions of the VM source around and 
would normally simply email the complete source file to Ian Piumarta (as 
he requests).


> Thanks,
> Peter
>> On 14/06/10 11:58, Peter Robinson wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Bert Freudenberg<bert at freudenbergs.de>
>>>   wrote:
>>>> On 14.06.2010, at 06:24, Chris Ball wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bert,
>>>>>> Copied ~olpc/Activities/Sratch.activity/vm-sound-ALSA plugin to
>>>>>> /usr/lib/squeak/3.10-5/.
>>>>>> After that, in Etoys playback sounds a bit worse, but it's still
>>>>>> okay (hard to tell actually). And no freeze after suspend,
>>>>>> playing just resumes. So it would be a good idea to use that ALSA
>>>>>> plugin for Squeak in general, me thinks.
>>>>> Could we get a squeak/etoys package with a fixed alsa-plugin ASAP,
>>>>> please?
>>>> Someone would need to rebuild Fedora's squeak-vm-3.10-5 package with
>>>> Derek's patched sqUnixSoundALSA.c file (attached to the forwarded msg
>>>> below). The etoys package is unaffected.
>>> I'm happy to apply a patch to the etoys package in Fedora if someone
>>> can provide me a patch rather than a complete new source file.
>>> Peter

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