Android, OLPC, and native hosting

David Van Assche dvanassche at
Sat Jan 2 12:57:33 EST 2010

Speaking of android, has anyone heard anything about google's other OS,
chrome OS?

kind regards,

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Samuel Klein < at> wrote:

> NoiseEHC, I think your arguments would be more convincing if you
> didn't respond to every email, especially when you'd made that point
> before in the same thread :-)
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:40 AM, NoiseEHC <NoiseEHC at> wrote:
> >> The software is designed for learning. *That* is what Sugar was created
> for, which is not at all what Android was created for, as you claimed when
> starting this discussion.
> >>
> >
> > Another Straw Man argument. What I said was "Android OS solves exactly
> > the same *problems* Sugar has been created to solve". You know while you
> > have noticed correctly that Android was created to be a phone OS and
> > Sugar was created to be a learning OS (not too that hard to notice
> > though), they had almost the same *problems* to solve. Because they had
> > different goals they did not solve exactly the same problem set (it was
> > an exaggeration in my sentence) but close (self hosting dev tools and
> > local communication are the main differences).
> That said, I find Noise's line of reasoning here compelling.   What
> are specific features of the current Sugar experience that people
> think would be hard to port to Android [porting Etoys might in fact be
> hard]?
> SJ
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Mike Ditka <>  -
"If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."
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