Need in Haiti: inexpensive portable projectors for OLPC/XO classrooms

Adam Holt holt at
Wed Feb 3 13:28:27 EST 2010

WavePlace and other Haiti Education efforts keep asking me the same 
thing, in NYC and elsewhere--who can answer:
How can in-classroom (and out-of-classroom?!) cheap portable overhead 
projectors be rigged to XOs -- by hook or by crook -- /and what 
models/arrangements are best?/

Aside from this wonderful home-made prototype, that unfortunately 
overheats, what's achievable?

Is the following (/control/display your XO-computer from a non-XO PC or 
Mac or Linux box/) the most viable approach?

Could hacking an on-board VGA port realistic for XO-1's (/to an external 
VGA monitor or projector/) be made into something more than a gimmick -- 
with broad(er) classroom potential?
Even if presumably impossible with upcoming XO-1.5 laptops?
What software approaches & preferred Sugar Activities make kids/teachers 
project presentations shine?  EG. check out Walter Bender's presentation 
here using TurtleArt:

*Appeal for Past Experiences/Promising Approaches:*
Please reply to the olpc-haiti at mailing list, digging deeper 
than the above mostly-2008 pages wherever we can expand "PowerPoint" 
(and hopefully far superior) options for Haitian 
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