Build system and repos for F11/XO-1.5?

Chris Ball cjb at
Tue Feb 2 14:37:08 EST 2010


   >  - Can it build F11/XO-1 images, with jffs2?

Yes, see modules/jffs2_image/README.

   >  - Can it build "partitioned" images?

I think 1.5 images are always partitioned, 1.0 images are always not,
looking at the code (modules/sd_card_image/ for 1.5).

   >  - I see the stern warning about running the compose on the same
   > OS as OLPC does. Are there specific things that blow up? Should
   > we generally recommend that the compose is run on the same OS
   > that is being composed? (F11 for F11-based OSs?)

That's what I've been doing.

   > If I look at examples/olpc-os-10.1.0-xo1.5.ini, there are 3 yum
   > repos, are the 3 of them frozen? In other words -- can anyone
   > match our build now and in 2 years' time?

Yes, frozen.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>
One Laptop Per Child

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