[Sugar-devel] Making OLPC / Sugar Labs more approachable

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 14:05:31 EDT 2010

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Neil Graham <Lerc at screamingduck.com> wrote:
> Perhaps what is needed is a KDE to olpc's gnome in order to lift the
> game of both.

We do a ton of things in relationship with our 'community' (or perhaps
our different 'communities'). For example, we engage in this thread
with you.

As with most projects, it's up to you to help, participate positively, or not.


 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

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