Survey: How does open source influence the community?

Kerstin kerba.olpc at
Wed Sep 9 05:30:38 EDT 2009


I'm a researcher in the field of open source beyond software. Currently I'm
investigating the special meaning of openness and its importance for the
communities in this field. 

Your opinion as OLPC developer is very important to me!
That's why I'm inviting you to fill out my survey. Answering the questions
may take about 5-7 minutes. The individual responses will be kept strictly
confidential, aggregated results will be published as soon as the survey is
finished. If you are interested, I can also provide some specific results
about the OLPC community.

Please follow this link:

The survey is conducted on a per project basis. In case you receive my
request more than once, it's because you are involved in several
communities. It would be great if you would fill out the survey more then
once, for all projects which are relevant to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.
If you are interested in more details about me and my research, please take
a look at:
Thank you very much for your help!

Best regards
Kerstin Balka

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