updates and testing SocialCalc on the Sugar Live CD
Mikus Grinbergs
mikus at bga.com
Thu Sep 3 23:49:39 EDT 2009
> Lately, I have been testing SocialCalc on the Sugar Live CD, and have run
> into issues.
Don't know what is working/not_working for you, but as an experiment
I just tried SocialCalc on my XO-1 with build soas-2-beta (this
build was booted from an USB stick) -- socialcalcactivity-1.xo (size
291510 bytes) is installed to that build as an Activity. SocialCalc
launched fine. I am not familiar with spreadsheets -- so I did not
know *how* to test if SocialCalc was working correctly - but I was
able to click various tabs (eg Help), and to end SociaCalc normally.
mikus (attached log from this run of SocialCalc)
p.s. I do not know if SocialCalc needs Java, or not. The build I
ran has had openjdk 1.6.0 (Java) installed on it.
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