changing the texture...

Carlos Nazareno object404 at
Sun Oct 25 22:43:30 EDT 2009

Yes, a flat area would be nice for stickers/sticker labels or taped labels too.

The bumps are label-unfriendly :-/

> This came up at a recent meeting where we were looking at the XO1.5
> I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is to change the plastic
> texture/bumps, but if the XO 1.5 had a small rectangular area (say, 2
> inch x 3 a business card) in the back without the bumps,
> it would help with labels and or markings. Writing on the textured
> surface is difficult.
> Just passing it along.
> cheers,
> Sameer

carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."

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