[Testing] first play with new XO 1.5 machines

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Thu Oct 22 06:48:48 EDT 2009

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 11:31, Martin Dengler <martin at martindengler.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 03:36:50PM +0545, Daniel Drake wrote:
>> One of the biggest headaches we have to deal with, even
>> when we have infrastructure networks, is the bug where every XO has a
>> different set of neighbours on the neighbourhood view. Now we'd be
>> making that bug a feature.
> Isn't this bug/feature an explicit goal of Gadget/Sugar:
> 1)
>>> They'll see their friends, the result of the active searches and a
>>> maximum of $N random buddies and $N' random activities
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2008-June/006351.html

Well, this is only when you are staring at the neighborhood level and
there's more results that we can represent. Then we limit with those
heuristics and a hard limit.

But it's not a goal of Sugar to limit the amount of people with whom
can be collaborated, it's "just" that we miss a list view in the
neighborhood zoom level.



> 2) jarabe/model/neighborhood.py line 39 & 40:
> http://cgit.sugarlabs.org/sugar/mainline/tree/src/jarabe/model/neighborhood.py#n39
> ...it's used around line 130, among others:
> http://cgit.sugarlabs.org/sugar/mainline/tree/src/jarabe/model/neighborhood.py#n130
> I've never liked that limitation, but I suspect I'm not understanding
> something because it seems crazy to intentionally limit the results
> that way.  I'm glad I spent the 30 seconds to find the code so I can
> hack it out :).
>> Daniel
> Martin

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