Generating pot file for I18N

Henning Bredel h_bred01 at
Mon Nov 9 05:59:13 EST 2009

Sorry, for replying myself.

On Sun, 2009-11-08 at 16:54 +0100, Henning Bredel wrote:
> I debugged the code and it seems that is only
> collecting filenames instead of taking possible relative paths 
> of each file within a submodule.

I meant subpackage of course! All modules within their own sub-
package aren't recognized.

I'm not sure, if structuring an activity in subpackages are a
common way in developing activities. Anyway, these subpackages
mean to be plugin modules extending the actual activity. Would
it be a better way to structure that in eggs? (Just read about
that and I thought, this could be a cleaner separation of all
the code).

What do you think about that?

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