Create and sign Country specific XO image

Daniel Drake dsd at
Tue Jun 30 04:48:26 EDT 2009

2009/6/30 Philipp Kocher <philipp.kocher at>:
> The XOs got manufactured some time ago and just not delivered because
> localization wasn't finished (localization is still not finished, but
> the XO arrived yesterday).
> So getting our own keys in the manufacturing data is not an option.

You can keyject them, if you have an appropriate relationship with
OLPC to get them to make you a keyjector firmware.

> I hoped for an easier image creation and signing process. What is the
> problem with the process described here

Do your XOs have security enabled? If so you cannot do it because you
cannot reach a command prompt and the XO will not accept unsigned
images. Unless you want to modify the process to include obtaining
developer keys for all laptops and disabling security.

Also this method is a bad idea as has been discussed several times;
many files are generated during the first and subsequent boots which
are unique to each XO (hence you would want to delete them from your
image) but nobody has really documented which ones they are or how you
should deal with this. A number of projects have resorted to this
method but all of them seem to face oddities after a while...


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