FW: OLPC Projects/VideoEditing and Video Edit

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 22 11:01:51 EDT 2009

Hi All,
Here is a great opportunity for someone to pick up where Robert left off and contribute something really useful, fun, educational, practical, and wanted for the XO and SoaS.  Robert is willing to advise and help anyone who wants to pick up this project to get a Video Editing Activity into Sugar.
See details in our correspondence below.

Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 09:43:20 -0400
Subject: Re: OLPC Projects/VideoEditing and Video Edit
From: rmo25 at cornell.edu
To: cbigenho at hotmail.com

Hello Caryl,

My work on the project has stalled. When I left off last year, a gstreamer glitch was causing OGGs from the XO camera to freeze the system, which compounded with performance issues stalled the project. There's a good chance that that particular problem has been resolved, and I too would love to see a video editing activity on the XO.

I'm not sure how much work I'll be able to do, but I am definitely available to advise and help out how I can. If a volunteer is interested, I would imagine a good deal could be done in porting an existing free video editor (pitivi is what I tried due to the similarities in its toolkit and that being used for sugar) to the XO interface.

Keep in touch,

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> wrote:

I am a member of the OLPC Support Gang and am mentoring a project that wants to use simple video editing on the XO as a part of their activities.  I see that both of you were working on this last year, but that nothing has been posted on the wiki about it for several months.

What is the current status of your projects?  Is anyone working on them now?  What was the state of the projects when you last worked on them?  Is it something that one of our volunteer programmers could bring to completion?

There is really a lot of interest in having a simple video editing Activity for the XO and Sugar.  At this point, folks are just suggesting a lot of substitutes such as Turtle Art and Google Docs presentations.  But, of course, what you folks were working on would be far better.

Let me know what is happening!  

Caryl Bigenho, OLPC Support Volunteer

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