New kernel branch for XO-1 and XO-1.5 development

Martin Dengler martin at
Fri Jul 10 07:07:53 EDT 2009

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:22:45AM +0100, Daniel Drake wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-07-10 at 11:12 +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
> > I discussed at Fudcon with Sebastian, Scott etc about resurrecting the
> > Sugar Spin in Fedora which would allow us to have automated builds and
> > make use of the new autoqa stuff. I can assist in this stuff as well
> > if you like although at the moment I don't know how the
> > build stuff works or have access.
> I'd say that a "Sugar spin" isn't what you want here -- a Sugar spin
> should aim to be generic and be useful for more widespread testing of
> Sugar.

From discussing with Peter last week, you're both talking about the
same thing (different words, etc.).

> The task at hand is simply syncing all changes from xo-1.5 to xo-1
> on a continual basis, running "make foo.img", publishing foo.img,
> and trying to act on user feedback as much as possible.

One also needs good bandwidth between the build machine and download
site, which is all I'm lacking now or I'd be happy to do it...the
problem is that I'd want to test the build before pushing, and I'd
want to be able to distribute what I test.

> (right now you will have to build and set up your own kernel repo for
> XO-1, but hopefully chris will have that automated soon:

One could also use

> Daniel

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