Favorite Projects for XO Development?

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 17 13:04:07 EST 2009

Hello Friends,

OLPC will have a booth this weekend (2/20-2/22) at the Southern California Area LInux Expo (SCaLE).  This is a large conference (up to 1000) of open-source aficionados including programmers.  It is a great chance to recruit folks for our team of volunteer developers of Activities for the XO. 

I am putting together a brochure to pass out at the conference and want to include information about some of the projects and proposals we have.  Could you all take a look at the page listed below and make any additions and updates you would like included?  I need this done by Wednesday Noon (PT). Thanks! 


Caryl  OLPC Support Volunteer

P.S. Excuse the multiple copies of this if you are subscribed to more than one list.  I will get several copies myself.
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