Unshare an Activity

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Tue Feb 17 03:16:54 EST 2009

On 17.02.2009, at 01:06, Daniel Drake wrote:

> 2009/2/16 Jorge Saldivar <jorgesaldivar at gmail.com>:
>> Just to undestand.
>> Once you share an activity, in sugar you do not have a way to stop  
>> it,
>> unless stop the activity?.
> You could look at other games (e.g. connect 4) which face similar
> scenarios (only useful with 2 participants).
> It sounds like you are reinventing the wheel with your "club" idea --
> the club already exists, it's the neighborhood view. Perhaps you
> should write 1 activity per card game?

Perhaps Jorge is looking for a way to indicate "I'm looking for a  
partner to play any of these ten board games". This is impractical  
using separate activities and the neighborhood view, you need another,  
more targeted communication channel (e.g. talk to each other in class  

- Bert -

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