OLPC upgrades

david at lang.hm david at lang.hm
Wed Feb 4 19:46:40 EST 2009

>From: Francisco Castro <fcr at adinet.com.uy>
>On Wednesday 04 February 2009 17:58:24 Albert Cahalan wrote:
>> Assembly has a reputation for being "hard", but this is
>> far from the truth. It is large assembly projects that are
>> hard to understand. For tiny things, assembly is even
>> easier than C. What you see is what you get, exactly.
>> Python has lots of magic. With assembly, everything
>> is there for you to see.
> Using assembly is the worst idea for a non hardware related open source 
> project, besides the fact that the x86 architecture is awful, 
> programming in assembly will lock the software to that architecture, 
> meaning that you would have to forget about porting to ARM or MIPS.

he wasn't advocating re-writing everything on the OLPC in assembly, he was 
commenting on the suitability of teaching beginning programming in 

David Lang

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