Another pass through some basic Activity test results

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at
Fri Sep 26 04:43:18 EDT 2008

Hi Gary

Thanks for this excellent testing!

2008/9/26 Gary C Martin <gary at>:
> Here's a set of basic Activity test results for build 8.2-763, hope the ASCI
> art doesn't get too mangled by the list server (need to view with a fixed
> width font). The Activities are in no specific order, and sorry if I missed
> out yours, but I wanted to post today incase it helps with looming/ongoing
> release decisions.
> I do want to note something I think is new in 8.2-763 since my previous
> tests, 5 times during the run through below the XO
> became extremely sluggish, initially I just thought it was the
> poorly performing Activity, but checking top in 4 cases I could the sugar
> shell process eating 30-50% of CPU but apparently doing nothing (was not
> connected to a jabber server), and in the other case I had 2 rainbow
> processes eating up 45% cpu each (though the Sugar UI showed no Activity
> instances were running). I am now retesting to try and catch the bad
> behaviour as it happens. Just wanted to warn testers to keep an eye on top,
> if things feel slow, you might have a hung-up process burning cycles and
> need to ctrl-alt-escape.

Your diagram looked OK to me, but my comments will probably mangle it,
so I'll try to make it clear what I'm commenting on...

> build 8.2-763   Activity name
>                 | Could start
> . = success     | | Could stop (all must work ctrl-q alt-esc, toolbar,
> Frame)
> - = N/A         | | | Sound
> x = fail        | | | | Journal entry
> ? = unknown     | | | | | Useful resume
> * = see note    | | | | | | Picks-up Journal entry name change while active
>                 | | | | | | | Names Frame palette to match the resumed title
>                 | | | | | | | | License entry in
>                 | | | | | | | | | Using bundle_id in
>                 | | | | | | | | | |
>                 | | | | | | | | | |
>         Browse-98 . . . . . x x . x

The first x is for "Picks-up Journal entry name change while active" -
almost every activity "failed" this, so it's likely to be a Sugar
(activity API) bug, not an activity bug. I logged #8678.

The "Names Frame palette to match the resumed title" is also probably
a Sugar issue, but I'm not sure what you mean exactly. If I change the
title of an activity and stop it, then resume it, the frame palette
does show the new name for me, for Chat, which you marked as a
failure. However if I change the name of the activity while it is
running, the frame palette doesn't update to the new name *unless* I
stop and resume. Is that what you meant?

The switch from service_name to bundle_id isn't yet critical, but
needs to be clearly and widely communicated. I'm getting together a
list of such issues to write up and publicize.

>           Chat-47 . . - . . x x . . Some subtle sound for arival and
> departure
>                                     would be very useful.

Sound would be a nice enhancement - I logged #8679.

>          Bounce-6 . . * . . x x x * No sound, not sure if that's a bug or is
> as
>                                     intended. Incorrect bundle_id string.

Sound was broken in pygame and SDL - #8307, should be fixed in 765.


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