testing ejabberd

Douglas Bagnall douglas at paradise.net.nz
Tue Sep 23 02:22:46 EDT 2008


I'm having some trouble using hyperactivity to test ejabberd.
Hyperactivity always ends up looping over unsuccessful accounts,
producing output like this:

can't connect hyperactivity-ac4ec2e2-892e-11dd-a4b7-0017c40d34e4. Remove it
have to create 1 accounts
create accounts/gabble/schoolserver.dell.xs.laptop.org/hyperactivity-ac9cecec-892e-11dd-a4b7-0017c40d34e4.account
can't connect hyperactivity-ac6d40aa-892e-11dd-a4b7-0017c40d34e4. Remove it
have to create 1 accounts
create accounts/gabble/schoolserver.dell.xs.laptop.org/hyperactivity-acb4ce02-892e-11dd-a4b7-0017c40d34e4.account
can't connect hyperactivity-ac85168a-892e-11dd-a4b7-0017c40d34e4. Remove it

What ejabberd says of each of these is something like:

I(<0.258.0>:ejabberd_listener:112) : (#Port<0.464>) Accepted
connection {{0,0,0,0,0,65535,44050,2588},33012} ->

This would make simple sense if hyperactivity didn't succeed every now
or then.  These usable accounts build up over time, so hyperactivity
ends up starting with a few of them.  So in the sea of unsuccessful
creations there is every now and then a line like:

client hyperactivity-c3e52044-88f3-11dd-a913-0017c40d34e4: --> change
current activity

Although that has no server-side correspondent. The anomalous messages
on the server side are:

=INFO REPORT==== 2008-09-23 01:15:34 ===
I(<0.386.0>:ejabberd_c2s:478) :
({socket_state,gen_tcp,#Port<0.451>,<0.385.0>}) Failed legacy
authentication for
hyperactivity-4c860398-8906-11dd-9e86-0017c40d34e4 at schoolserver.dell.xs.laptop.org/Telepathy

=INFO REPORT==== 2008-09-23 01:15:34 ===
I(<0.388.0>:ejabberd_c2s:438) :
({socket_state,gen_tcp,#Port<0.453>,<0.387.0>}) Accepted legacy
authentication for
hyperactivity-c3e52044-88f3-11dd-a913-0017c40d34e4 at schoolserver.dell.xs.laptop.org/Telepathy

=INFO REPORT==== 2008-09-23 01:15:34 ===
I(<0.388.0>:mod_shared_roster:640) : user_available for
"hyperactivity-c3e52044-88f3-11dd-a913-0017c40d34e4" @
"schoolserver.dell.xs.laptop.org" (1 resources)

[ ... millions of the 'Accepted connection' messages, then ... ]

=INFO REPORT==== 2008-09-23 01:15:54 ===
I(<0.388.0>:ejabberd_c2s:1290) :
({socket_state,gen_tcp,#Port<0.453>,<0.387.0>}) Close session for
hyperactivity-c3e52044-88f3-11dd-a913-0017c40d34e4 at schoolserver.dell.xs.laptop.org/Telepathy

=INFO REPORT==== 2008-09-23 01:15:54 ===
I(<0.388.0>:mod_shared_roster:679) : unset_presence for
"hyperactivity-c3e52044-88f3-11dd-a913-0017c40d34e4" @
"schoolserver.dell.xs.laptop.org" / "Telepathy" -> [] (0 resources)

Has somebody seen this before?  What am I doing wrong?


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