py -> pyc issue

Robert Myers rmyers7 at
Mon Sep 22 17:32:00 EDT 2008

I'm running 760. I just edited to change the font 
to serif (I've done this before in other builds).

I then ran ReadEtexts and the change didn't show.

I removed ReadEtexts.pyc and ran. ReadEtexts fails to launch. The bottom 
of the log says:

100 module = __import__(module_name)
module = undefined
global __import__ = undefined
module_name = 'ReadETextsActivity'

ImportError: No module named ReadEtextsActivity

If I just cd into the ReadEtexts directory and 'python', python exits after a while after printing the 
message 'Speech not supported' which indicates that ReadEtexts was in 
fact executed.

Shouldn't we be able to just run a .py file?
Shouldn't the presence of a newer .py scrag an older .pyc?
Shouldn't something be creating .pyc files?
What happened?
What would happen if some kid tried the same thing?

I assume this is a bug, but what should it get entered against?


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