Write Collaboration - what is known to work / what is, not? (J.M. Maurer)

Greg Smith gregsmitholpc at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 08:17:18 EDT 2008

Hi Marc et al,

This is a timely discussion as we are trying to figure out and document 
exactly what write collaboration will be supported for end users in 8.2.

The target use cases are:

Basically, we want several students to open write and share the same 
document. They should each be able to edit it and each should be able to 
save an interim local copy at any time.

We want to know what is the scale allowed for that (e.g. 2, 4, XOs). We 
can restrict the things they can do if we know and document that in advance.

Are you saying that the initiator of the write document must not close 
it or the sharing will stop? If that's the case for this release we can 
document that and user can probably work around it.

Can any participant save ("Keep") the document at any time?


Go ahead and "burden" the bug database with these. We want to get this 
right, eventually. Also, update the use cases if you think I missed 
something there.

Sharing write could be our strongest collaboration activity and it has a 
lot of interest from the field. Let's make sure we can say what will 
work in this release then we can extend it to more areas in the next 


Greg S

Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 12:10:20 +0200
From: "J.M. Maurer" <uwog at uwog.net>
Subject: Re: Write Collaboration - what is known to work / what is
To: Marco Pesenti Gritti <mpgritti at gmail.com>
Cc: pete at marchingcubes.com, OLPC Devel <devel at lists.laptop.org>,
	paul at catalyst.net.nz, Alastair <Alastair.Munro at mcs.vuw.ac.nz>
Message-ID: <1220091020.25029.10.camel at sigma.lan.uwog.net>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Sat, 2008-08-30 at 10:47 +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 > > Martin Langhoff wrote:
 >> > > We've had a few attempts to share Write (
 >> > > http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Write ) with the Wellington test 
crowd, and
 >> > > there are a number of cases that don't seem to work well, but 
I'm not
 >> > > sure what the state of things is, and what is expected to work. The
 >> > > Wiki page doesn't say much either on what aspects of 
collaboration are
 >> > > working.
 >> > >
 >> > > I'm happy to file these as bugs, but I don't want to burden the
 >> > > tracker with stuff that is not in the design  :-)
 >> > >
 >> > > In brief things work for the simple case, but for example
 >> > >
 >> > >  - if the "initial creator/sharer" of the doc goes away, remaining
 >> > > users can continue editing, but don't 'share' the updates any more.
 >> > > There is no UI indication that things have changed.
 >> > >
 > >
 > > I *think* that's a limitation which will be addressed in a future
 > > version of abicollab. Mark?

Yes, see my reply here: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8160#comment:2

It's *far* from trivial, so given that I'm implementing this in my spare
time, I can't give a timeframe yet.

 >> > >  - Should invitees keep a copy in their journal and be able to 
 >> > > it in private?
 >> > >
 > >
 > > I'm not sure to understand what you mean here.

If i understand correctly, this should already work. Every collaborator
will get an entry in his/her journal automatically.


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