Flash is too full

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 19:51:18 EDT 2008

2008/6/9 David Leeming <leeming at pipolfastaem.gov.sb>:
> I have an XO-1 that has stopped booting correctly after I tried to install
> some large activities from a flash drive.

Ugh, that sounds bad.

> for  minutes due to "respawning too fast" and I have a window when I can log
> onto the back end / shell as root and type commands. But not sure what to
> do!

press enter and you will get a line starting with "#" and the cursor
next to it - that is a root prompt.

First of all, call the following command (the # here is for
illustration, you don't need to type it)

 # su olpc

Now you have switched to the olpc user - this gives you a safer
environment, and changes the "prompt" to "$", so you'll see "$"
followed by the cursor. So do (again the $ is for illustration)

 $ df -h

this will list various mountpoints, the main one is the one named "/"
and it will show you space available. If it's really very low, then
your diagnosis is correct. If there is disk space and the problem is
different - don't follow the instructions below ;-)

So - assuming a real space problem the next step is to change to the
installed activities directory

 $ cd /home/olpc/Activities
 $ ls

this will list the activities installed there

 $ du -sh *

will take a few seconds, and will list them with their size. So pick a
candidate to delete and do _with a lot of care_

 $ rm -fr MyFooActivity.activity

repeat the above action with every activity you want to remove. Then restart.



 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

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