Quick tabbing profiling (was Re: Report on `activities switching' profiling)

Benjamin Berg benjamin at sipsolutions.net
Fri Jul 18 17:37:53 EDT 2008


On Fri, 2008-07-18 at 12:51 -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
> Can someone make sense of this for me?  Ben, do you see anything we
> can optimize here?  I've noticed while quick-tabbing on my XO that the
> gray selection box doesn't usually update as I switch, so I can't tell
> where I am.   If I pause long enough to see the selection move, I also
> get the redraw of the whole activity, slowing me down and defeating
> the purpose.

Outch. It is right that the activities are saving their state all the
time. I forgot about the messages send to the activities. Which means
that the activities are "active" even though the window is not raised.

We may need a more complicated scheme to keep track of the activities
during tabbing.

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