Code name for 9.1.0

C. Scott Ananian cscott at
Mon Jul 14 18:50:01 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:35 PM, Jameson Chema Quinn
<jquinn at> wrote:
> If we do choose this naming scheme, I think Freire is a good place to start.
> If not, I think that something suggesting growth (names of trees?) might be
> safer.

As I understand it, the other part of the Fedora naming scheme is that
there is not any "long term" theme: just a simple rule that each name
must be related in some way to the name immediately preceding it.  The
proposer of a name justifies how they think its related to the
previous one.  I can't find a reference right now, but IIRC many of
the "connections" are rather tenuous/amusing.

So, that said, starting with Freire might still allow us to move in a
different direction for 9.2 and avoid the learning philosophy wars.

 ( )

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