State of 8.2.0, July 12, 2008

Michael Stone michael at
Sun Jul 13 00:11:38 EDT 2008

Dear world,

Here's a brief overview of the status of the 8.2.0 release process. (Notes: I
apologize in advance that I was not able to make this overview more succinct or
better organized. I hope that these issues will resolve themselves as we come
to share a greater understanding of the actual state of the release.)


=== Procedural Notices:

Dennis recently made us an 8.2 release build stream. For the time being, you're
all doing a great job providing good fixes, so Dennis will automatically merge
changes from joyride into the 8.2 stream as soon as he sees a positive report
about the changes. Please leave us messages in Trac, then poke us if you need
to attract our attention to your change. (In a couple of weeks, we'll start
being more selective about which changes we include [at which time this
communication will become more important.)

Joe really needs nice package-level changelogs in order to quickly figure out
exactly which individual issues he's supposed to be testing in a given build.
I'm sure he'll give us some hints soon about what he wants to see; in the
meantime, please put some extra effort into writing informative changelog
entries that will be useful for QA (and for me). (I'm looking at you, kernel

=== Bugs you should watching or trying to fix:

(See the end for the key to the status codes.)

5104, 5527     DBG   ???         Reconnecting to encrypted access points with NM
7474           DBG   sayamindu   Amharic compose key broken
7480           DSN   ???         Networking configuration reset button
7458           DBG   dsaxena     Suspend/Resume (S/R) lockups
many           TST   dilinger    Touchpad bugs.
7095           OWN   ???         Library bundle installation
7353           DBG   dgilmore    F-9 Bloat
???            TST   ???         OFW refresh
7392           TST   martin_xsa  DS backup/restore
7384, 7434     TST   cjb         Power management (PM) control panel entry (CPE).
4951, 7396     TST   cscott      Activity Updater CPE.
6797           PKG   ???         Rainbox/X race

=== General issues:

Keymap retesting:
  - we need to systematically check all our keymaps; in particular,
    en_US, am_ET, es_PR, es_UY, pt_BR, ht_HT, and ???

Sugar slowness & redraws
  - Sugar feels really slow both because it is and because we're seeing lots of
    intermediate states (redraws, overlapping icons, ...)
  - what else is going on besides the rainbow/X race?

Telepathy-based collaboration:
  - some change were made to the Telepathy CMs and to the PS. 
    what effect, if any, did they have?
  - which, if any, collaboration scenarios can be relied on today?
  - what's the actual state of Gadget?

=== Random questions:

lease delegation:
  - is the initramfs correctly checking the contents of the leases file for v2

Walter + Peru security:
  - what did Walter want to tell us?

Trac additions
  - we want to add a 'review' option to the 'action needed' field.
  - anything else?

7466           DSN   ???         tamtam symlinks.
                                 \ seems like this should be fixed in TamTam;
                                   not pilgrim.

7448           TST   cscott      updates from 656 to joyride fail.
                                 \ ick

7442           DBG   ???         weird interactions between X and VTs.
                                 \ are these interactions dangerous?

=== Status Codes

Key: ??? - status or author unknown
     TST - needs to be tested in a build
     BLD - needs to be put into a build
     PKG - pkg needs to be built
     DBG - debugging/diagnosis still needed
     DSN - design needed
     STK - stuck; a decision is needed about how to proceed
     SGN - a signoff is needed
     ESC - canceled or siginificantly reduced in priority
     FIN - successfully finished
     MSG - communication needed
     ROT - solution has bitrotted
     OWN - owner needed

=== Currently useful links
   - Bert, could you please make a version of your status pages which shows
     package changelog entries? Thanks in advance!
   - Fixed-timespan report on changes to 8.2.0 bugs.;page=1;
   - Adjustable-timespan report on changes to 8.2.0 bugs.
   - 8.2.0 build stream
   - Joyride build stream

=== Things that m_stone is falling down on:

- making sure that the localization team is happy
- containing the enthusiasm of certain 1cc-based developers to include new
  features like activity-updates and lease delegation
- figuring out what the actual release blockers are
- keeping up with Gregorio's writings
- getting reliable numbers about the present state of our collaboration use
- writing regular status updates.

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