Inappropriate use of private meetings & lists. (reply to).

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Wed Jul 2 13:49:48 EDT 2008

Am 02.07.2008 um 19:33 schrieb Dennis Gilmore:

> by setting the replyto the list i wont get ccd on email when people  
> reply to
> all  because that is the easy way to make sure it goes back to the  
> list in the
> current setup.  instead I will get responses via mailmain and not  
> direct and
> the mail will have the X-BeenThere header and will be filed  
> appropriately on my
> mail server.

Since you're doing fancy mail filtering on your end anyway, why don't  
you just discard the duplicate CC based on message ids? See "man  
procmailex" for an example using "formail -D".

- Bert -

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