Using Matplotlib in Measure Activity

Gary Oberbrunner garyo at
Thu Jan 31 12:28:08 EST 2008

Arjun Sarwal wrote:
> For some time I have been thinking about extending the functionality
> of Measure Activity into a tool that also allows for graphical
> analysis of data acquired not just from sensors/mic but data acquired
> from any source.

A great idea, IMHO, for the more advanced students.

> (1) A standard format for data sets. ...
> Is there an already (standard) set of existing data formats or ways of
> organizing and storing numbers that I can
> adopt or should I just make up my own ?

Please don't make up your own!  There are already too many standards. 
HDF, XDF and NetCDF are some common ones.  There are open-source libs 
for reading and writing them.

> (2) To allow for a variety of multiple views, representations and
> basically allowing more control over the way data is represented, I am
> considering using Matplotlib. See some screenshots here

I wonder if anyone's thought about the old 
AVS5/IBM-DataExplorer/SciViz/Vis5D-style visual programming model on an 
XO?  There's on OpenGL on the XO though, right?  :-(

-- Gary Oberbrunner

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