XO Speech Server : speech-dispatcher
Duane King
dking at pimpsoft.com
Tue Jan 29 09:01:54 EST 2008
I'm glad that is getting off the ground; I'm sure the speech-dispatcher people
would love the extra attention.
The core API is usable as it is; I dont see any reason to change the design of
the software.
- Duane
On Sunday 27 January 2008 08:40:21 am Hemant Goyal wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been analyzing the speech-dispatcher as a viable option for the XO.
> Our initial analysis has thrown up great results and it seems to support
> the present requirements from a speech synthesis server. With the inclusion
> of speech-dispatcher on the XO we will be able to have a truly
> client-server based model for speech synthesis. It uses sockets for
> communication (is that okay ?)
> Speech-dispatcher has provided a Python Client API [
> http://cvs.freebsoft.org/repository/speechd/src/python/speechd/client.py?vi
>ew=markup ].
> Questions:
> 1. We are wondering whether this API would be directly usable/suitable
> for use on the XO or it should be modified to make it simpler to use?
> 2. How can we request for inclusion of the speech-dispatcher daemon
> services and libraries on the XO?
> Thanks!
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