Python Development

Chris Ball cjb at
Mon Jan 28 16:50:26 EST 2008


   > The process works fine until I try to create a package and the
   > system cannot find "sugar.activity". I cannot find it with "find".

You should "./sugar-jhbuild shell" before using other sugar-jhbuild
commands.  (Or perform the commands *inside* the sugar-jhbuild run.)

The way that python module loading works is that . is used to signify
directory hierarchies -- "import sugar.activity" will look for
something like "sugar/activity/" in $PYTHONPATH.

   > 2. Having failed with Sugar-jhbuild, I put qemu on my laptop and
   > went that way. Qemu seems to want to run but generates an error
   > message on trying to open my image:

   > y7150 at Fluffy:~$ qemu -m 256 -hda /home/olpc/XOimg/os650.img qemu:
   > could not open hard disk image '/home/olpc/XOimg/os650.img'

This is a jffs2 image, which is a flash filesystem.  You should use
an ext3 image for qemu.  For 650:

You might consider instead using an Update.1 build, which is the build
that we're hoping to release soon:

Hope that helps.  Further questions are probably best posted to the
sugar@ list instead of devel at .

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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