Xo-get with GUI (pyGTK)

ffm ffm at intserverror.com
Mon Jan 21 10:45:15 EST 2008

On Jan 21, 2008 10:43 AM, Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at free.fr> wrote:

> * Hosting:
> GCompris is huge and I currently host our bundles on our main web site
> server.
> With the number of XO users expanding rapidly, I won't be able to sustain
> it. I
> could move them to Sourceforge but it's a pain to upload a single file
> there, I
> can't imagine uploading 100 files.
> To give an idea, GCompris have currently 2GB/Day upload average.

You could post a request for hosting from OLPC at their servers...
I am sure you would be accepted quickly.

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