OFW & hello.elf

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Fri Jan 18 15:40:46 EST 2008


It appears that the sample "hello world" program [1] provided with OFW is not
working on latest stable revision.  At least, it didn't work for my G1G1 unit
with Q2D07.  When running it with "boot" command, I just get:

ok boot disk:\hello.elf
Boot device: /usb/disk:\hello.elf  Arguments:
[ nothing printed, no prompt ]

It works fine when using latest SVN in qemu / pc-serial build, though.  I
find this really strange, because I got reports [2] that ELF images are
indeed working on XO, although I don't know which hardware/firmware versions.

Also, I'm not sure if this is a loading problem with ELF format or with the
OFW callback interface, since Linux images seem to differ in both things with

Perhaps someone else can try hello.elf and see if it works?


[1] svn co svn://openbios.org/openfirmware/clients && make -C clients/lib/x86/

[2] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2008-01/msg00227.html

Robert Millan

<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call… if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)

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