oom-killer during olpc-update?

Dan Krejsa dan.krejsa at alamedanet.net
Thu Jan 10 01:56:30 EST 2008


I just tried olpc update from joyride-1500 to
joyride-1525, on a G1G1 XO.  I ran

  sudo olpc-update joyride-1500

from the terminal activity, and sometime during (or after) the
irsync-dirty part of the update, X restarted.  I thought the laptop
was rebooting, but examining /var/log/messages later I saw that
'NetworkManager invoked oom-killer'.

I've put the log at http://pastebin.ca/849111 .

I had no other activities than terminal (& Journal) running at the time,
and wasn't touching the laptop.

Is this a known problem, or should I file a bug report?

Any hints on recovery, or avoiding this in the future? I think I'll
try 'olpc-update --usb'...

- Dan

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