Free OLPC for someone who needs it

Edward Cherlin echerlin at
Sun Jan 6 18:28:09 EST 2008

On Jan 5, 2008 5:13 PM, Jesse Molina <jesse at> wrote:
> I've got a free OLPC for someone who needs it.  It works fine.  I got it
> via the buy-one-get-one program.

The Sugarizing Factory project that Heather Stern and I are working on
could make good use of your G1G1 XO. We only have B4s currently.

We are analyzing the code requirements for Sugarizing non-Python apps,
and intend to reduce them to a formula, to be automated to the extent
possible. Then we will accept requests for Sugarizing any Free
educational apps and tools. I have made a partial list on the Linux
education packages Wiki page. I am proposing to start with the grpn

> I'd prefer to give it to a developer or someone who can actually make
> use of it.  Or, I could just send it back to the OLPC Project and let
> them reformat and redistribute it.
> Even better is if someone with the OLPC Project could tell me of someone
> they know who needs one, and I'll ship it out.  My location is Arizona,
> United States.
> Otherwise, send me an email telling me what you plan to do with it and
> display some of your contributions or other involvement in the project.
>   Convince me that you're worthy and not just going to pawn it off on
> ebay after a month.
> --
> # Jesse Molina
> # Mail = jesse at
> # Page = page-jesse at
> # Cell = 1.602.323.7608
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Edward Cherlin
Earth Treasury: End Poverty at a Profit
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay

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