empty po files

Jani Monoses jani at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 6 08:51:07 EST 2008

Erik Blankinship wrote:
> On 2/6/08, *Jani Monoses* <jani at ubuntu.com <mailto:jani at ubuntu.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     building the calculate activity for Ubuntu I noticed it failed because
>     the th.po file is empty. Reported here
>     http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6357
>     Is there something in the software that does the automated imports of
>     translations, that can prevent this from happening in general?
> We ran into problems with some.po files whose translations modified 
> variables in strings (making them unparsable). 
> The solution we came up with serves two functions:

I am not sure this is about the problem I mentioned. The th.po file in 
question was empty (size 0) and caused an Ubuntu i18n script to fail. 
Arguably that script should have just ignored a zero-length file, but 
including it as such in the .xo does not seem to be intentional.


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