Activity hosting application: Time

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at
Mon Feb 4 00:50:00 EST 2008

At Thu, 31 Jan 2008 18:16:04 -0600,
Jason Rock wrote:
> 1. Project name             : Time

  Sounds good!

> 5. URLs of similar projects : None that I know of

  You might have looked at Clock and concluded that these are
substantially different, but you know the Clock activity, right?  (It
doesn't matter, but just to make sure.)

  I filed a ticket sometime ago (
I sure wish something like this will be incorporated.

  Another ticket that seems to inspire you
( discusses timezones and
collaboration.  But I'd say that these are secondary issue.  Who
believes that it is worth to pay the effort to have kids in Nigeria
and Brazil look at each other's clock and discuss something (Could
they discuss something worthwhile?)  If you can move hands at will,
that would be much better.

  Actually, I'd say that adding the built-in game would be secondary
as well.  If kids can interact with the clock in very easy and simple
way, they sure will invent their own "games"; such as puzzles, timer,
etc., etc. (not everything may not be on the laptop, but that is ok).

-- Yoshiki

  Yes, that reminds me of the idea of scriptable clock;

  It would be nice if kids "make" their own Clock to understand it

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