spell checking in activities (was Re: xo activity idea)

S Page info at skierpage.com
Mon Dec 8 07:06:54 EST 2008

S Page wrote:

> Which raises the question: What happened to the spell checking that used 
> to be in the Write and Browse activities?  Trac bugs 5394 and 6099 
> suggest Write and Browse used to spell check but did not have a context 
> menu for alternatives.  Now on my XO running 8.2.0 neither highlights 
> mis-spelled words.  Is it intentional the feature went away in both?

I still don't know, but I figured out one way to bring the feature back 
in Write, by symlinking Firefox's dictionary files to 
/usr/share/enchant/myspell/.  The details are in 

Google refused to cough up the official location in Fedora 9 for system 
spelling dictionaries, does anyone know where they normally go?  I 
picked /usr/share/enchant/myspell.

That made command-line `enchant -l` work, and brought back squiggly 
lines in Write!  Though as before there's no UI to offer corrections, 
Trac 5394.  And Write doesn't seem to access your personal spelling 
dictionary ~olpc/.config/enchant/en_US.dic that enchant creates.  And 
Browse doesn't seem to pick this up -- it probably checks another location.

Thanks for the responses why red squiggly lines aren't the best for 
kids.  Based on them, I *haven't* filed a bug that the spelling 
dictionary files are missing in 8.2.0.

=S Page

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